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Retail Lighting



That is completely correct. But the right lighting not only highlights your products, so that they appear from their best side. The lighting also creates focus, so that the customer is guided through the room, just as the lighting can set just the right mood. Thus, good lighting supports the entire customer experience and the perception of your brand.

When you invite us to design your shop lighting, you get help from start to finish. We familiarise ourselves with your brand and the atmosphere you want to create for the customer. Tell us whether you would prefer a space that is dark and dramatic or light and airy.

There are many choices, as the market is full of products in different price ranges and varying quality. It can therefore be difficult to choose the right solution. We know the market and can tailor solutions that suit your project and your budget. Both when it comes to choosing ceiling fixtures and more creative solutions that attract attention or set a specific mood.

When we design the lighting, we do so in close dialogue with you and your relevant business partners. The process usually involves the development of a lighting proposal, technical drawings and identification of the right rails as well as the optimal location of the lighting.

Write an email or give us a call so we can find out how we can help you with your lighting project.



Det er helt rigtigt. Men en god belysning fremhæver ikke blot dine varer, så de fremstår fra deres bedste side. Belysningen skaber også fokus, så kunden guides gennem rummet ligesom lyset kan sætte den helt rigtige stemning. Dermed understøtter en god belysning hele butiksoplevelsen og opfattelsen af dit brand.

Når du inviterer os til at designe din butiksbelysning, får du hjælp fra start til slut. Vi sætter os ind i dit brand, og den følelse du ønsker at skabe hos kunden. Skal rummene f.eks. være lyse og luftige eller mere mørke og dramatiske?

Der er mange valgmuligheder, idet markedet er fyldt med produkter i forskellige prisklasser og varierende kvalitet. Det kan derfor være svært at vælge den rigtige løsning. Vi kender markedet og kan skræddersy løsninger, der passer til dit projekt og dit budget. Både når det handler om valg af loftarmaturer og mere kreative løsninger, der skaber blikfang og stemning.

Når vi designer belysningen, gør vi det i tæt dialog med dig og dine relevante samarbejdspartnere. Processen involverer som regel udvikling af et belysningsforslag, tekniske tegninger og identificering af de helt rigtige skinner samt den optimale placering af belysningen.



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