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Art | Festivals | Events



We often participate in festivals and various events with light installations, light performances and interdisciplinary collaborations. This gives us the opportunity to cultivate our passion for exploring the potential of light and testing different expressions, materials and techniques. In addition, it is a pleasure to develop projects from scratch with the topics and ideas we are continuously interested in.

We often work together with musicians, dramaturgs, dancers, programmers and other professionals, where we with light create strong narratives and special moods. In this type of projects, the light merges with other forms of artistic expression.
We also develop lighting installations for companies and other private customers, where the light must play a special role in the experience of a room or, for example, the branding of a company.

Write an email or give us a call so we can plan the next great lighting experience together with you.



Vi deltager ofte i festivaler og forskellige events med lysinstallationer, lysperformances og tværfaglige samarbejder. Dette giver os mulighed for at dyrke vores passion for at afsøge lysets potentialer og afprøve forskellige udtryk, materialer og teknikker. Derudover er det en fornøjelse at udvikle projekter helt fra bunden med de tematikker og ideer, som vi løbende interesserer os for.

Vi arbejder ofte sammen med musikere, dramaturger, dansere, programmører og andre fagligheder, hvor vi med lyset er med til at skabe stærke fortællinger og særlige stemninger. Lyset smelter i denne type projekter sammen med andre kunstneriske udtryksformer.

Vi udvikler også lysinstallationer til virksomheder og andre private kunder, hvor lyset skal spille en særlig rolle i oplevelsen af et rum eller eksempelvis brandingen af et firma.

Skriv en mail eller ring så vi kan planlægge den næste store lysoplevelse sammen med Jer.

Mirror Box

OPLYST Lysfestival Hundested Havn 2024

Forever and Ever (Video)

Copenhagen Lighting Festival 2024

Forever and Ever

Copenhagen Lighting Festival 2024

Pyramides Of Light

Cisternerne Kulturnat 2023

Harbour Parade

Copenhagen 2023

Riff Raff Ref

Copenhagen Light Festival 2023

Riff Raff Ref

Copenhagen Light Festival 2023


Copenhagen Light Festival 2023 and 2024

Dancing On Water

Copenhagen Light Festival 2023

The Colour Cube

Lumo Light Festival Oulu 2022


Dance performance 2021

Det ukrainske flag

Rudersal Rådhus, Holte – Foto: Erik Brahl

Lys & Liv

Birkerød Kulturnat 2021

Car Park Holiday

Copenhagen Light Festival 2021

New Order - Age of Consent

Music video 2020

A video which in my opinion truly captures the melancholic but happy expression of Joy Division. It screams of wanting to live, even if one must suffer in between.” Glaskor
This is a nice, unexpected surprise. It can be really hard to make a new video for an older song and do it justice, but the simple, yet stylish technique works well.” IlluminatedPro

Both Youtube comments

Take A Look Inside

Copenhagen Light Festival 2020

Sparkling Sound Festival 2018


Windows Of Light

Nikolaj Kunsthal / CPH Light Festival 2019


Roskilde Festival 2016

Art Zone and Graffiti Zone

Copenhagen  |  Denmark

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